Courses Offered

Explore a variety of musical courses offered by StimmeAfrikas Choir, tailored for different skill levels and interests.

Meet Our Tutors

Flavien T

Flavien Taymkong

Choir Master - Music and Piano Courses. Vocal Techniques and Performance.

Stefan Obs

Stephane Sob

Choir Keyboardist - Keyboard and Guitar Courses

Course Information

A foundation course for beginners to learn the essentials of music theory.
Learn group dynamics, vocal harmony, and performance skills.
Explore the rich and diverse rhythms of African music and how to incorporate them into choral performances

Basic Music Theory

A foundation course for beginners to learn the essentials of music theory.

Choir Singing

Learn group dynamics, vocal harmony, and performance skills.

African Rhythms

Explore the rich and diverse rhythms of African music and how to incorporate them into choral performances.

Location and Contact

Join us at KHG Wilhelmstraße 28, Giessen, Hessen, DE for our courses. Contact us at for more information.